Thursday, 27 October 2011

Mathematics resources: Written addition

One of the most popular parts of the site for parents is our free math worksheets: four rules pages on written addition.

Many parents think that the methods they learned at school (and for many this would in the 1990s) different from today. This is only partially true. Since the beginning of the numeracy strategy and later that the primary framework for mathematics has been the emphasis on the preparation of children so they understand the written methods that they use. There's a lot of preparatory work and methods, often called "the pursuit of the standard written method ' so that cannot be known to parents, but the end result is pretty much the same. It is this intermediate stages which some parents find puzzling.

The default method is written the layout the sum vertically, with numbers will be added under each other. The units are added first, then the trans-European networks and so on. We have several worksheets to illuminate this method completely.

Go to written methods of addition

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