Saturday, 27 August 2011

Algebra Word problems

Are you one of those students who freeze when it comes to solving algebra word? lose the math anxiety, attitude and develop a can use these steps to help you more confidence about solving algebra word problems. do not freeze, put that big brain of yours to use, determine what the problem is, figure out what you know, formulate a plan, decide what is necessary to the implementation of the plan and you're almost there!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Dyscaculia is Math dyslexia is language

Dyscalculia refers the problems that often with individuals be seen when performing mathematical calculations. Likewise, where refer to language problems, the term dyslexia is used. However, for the term Discalculia math is used. Math discalculia is essentially a learning disability for arithmetic or mathematical concepts. Science Daily reports that there are just so many people with dyscalculia if there with dyslexia. Make sure you understand all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

This week's Hype

Last month, the Quark matter 2011 Conference was a place for discussion of the new results of the first heavy-ion run at LHC energies last autumn. I looked a bit on the slides of the talks, but this is an environment far from my expertise. One thing I wonder about is whether the highly promoted application of AdS/CFT on heavy-ion physics might be tested on the LHC. Create AdS/CFT each distinctive predictions about how things will change as one of RHIC energies to LHC energies, and these are checked? Looking at the slides, there seem to be all sorts of interesting things to be learned about heavy-ion physics, but little mention of AdS/CFT modelling of such phenomena. Maybe an expert can help by pre-LHC predictions to point out and explain already have tested, or they can be in the future.

Symmetry breaking magazine today covers Quark matter 11, with String theory may hold answers about quark-gluon plasma, which seems to contain mostly the same hype about string theory and heavy ion physics that current for the last half-dozen years now has been:

Now, scientists have begun to see striking similarities between the properties of the early universe and a theory that would unify gravity with quantum mechanics, a long-standing goal for physicists.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the article about some LHC test of these ideas. This Is the closest we get to that of Krishna Rajogopal (his talk is here):

"String theory is like a gift to us," said Rajagopal. "We are challenged with understanding the quark-gluon plasma as a liquid, and while string theory does not give us precision, we get a feel for the shape of the topic help."

So, I understand that AdS/CFT no precise, testable predictions, the best thing is to be made that "the us get a feel for the shape of the subject can help", whatever that means. A question for experts: as "String theory answers about quark-gluon plasma can", what are the questions for that string theory is giving answers, and what the LHC data have to say about these questions?

Update: David Mateos has posted a write-up of his Quark matter 2011 talk here. In it, he explains what the problems are with the use of AdS/CFT to say something about QCD. In terms of the issue of the LHC predictions, he gives an example: the relationship of the dispersion of heavy quarkonium Mesons moving through the quark-gluon plasma. Unfortunately, this seems to be much of a prediction:

I would like to stress that whether one obtains a visible peak, just a statistical enhancement or imperceptible effect sensitive many parameters related to the in-medium J/Psi physics hangs. The latter is not sufficiently well understood a precise prediction to make, so we should all take away from Figure 3 (right) is that there is an observable effect for some values of the parameters are within acceptable range might be.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Impossible question in mathematics under paper

Well, it's not unusual for me an error with the articles and worksheets published here, but I don't have a team of proof readers to help me. Much more serious is the error in mathematics as the paper this year.

More than 6,000 students took the paper and the question with the highest number of brands was impossible to answer! The question that 8 brands of 72 is granted for the entire document. This meant that many students would have agonised about, wasting a lot of minutes in unsuccessfully trying to reach a correct answer.

A spokesman for the exam board said,

"We regret that there was a mistake ... and that our quality assurance procedures failed to identify this error.

"Because we have been alerted to this so early, we are able to take into account this error when the paper marker. We will also use this in the boundary rank. We have sent a letter to all schools and universities explain in more detail what we'll do.

"We once again apologize that this has happened."

Obviously some of the students think that this is a less than satisfactory result is as some would have spent a lot more than others on the question, leaving less time for the rest of the exam.

Read more

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Math worksheets: distribution of money

There are not many questions on this worksheet mathematics, but they are very tricky and a good knowledge of tables and how to do long Division is needed.

Each question has an amount of money to be shared by a 1 or 2-digit number. In all cases have the answer to a zero in the column to the pound.

If the process is long division there are several important things to remember when doing this, including:

1. turn the hash in the answer

2. set the zero in the column pound

3. the introduction of the decimal point.

Money division (1)

Monday, 8 August 2011

Geometry intuitive?

When I came across this article in the New York Times, I must admit, I was somewhat amused by what the findings revealed. The study sees that geometry may be innate. Comparing the results using children and adults who received some formal training and a group of isolated indigenous natives have showed that the lack of formal education in geometry does not have the ability to understand the concepts. hinder shows that nature provides many examples and chance simple geometry concepts such as apply the rule, the point and positional relationships such as parallel and congruency. interesting to note that American children who are a little younger were not fare as well, so it could be deduced that experience is still the teacher is, albeit the ' best ' label is for the full article discussion. See.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Year 1 addition and subtraction

In year 1, there are several important addition and subtraction and skills that must be learned. Addition is related to what children have plenty of practice with should count. It is also important to realize that addition can be done in any order.

Subtraction is seen as ' take away ' or ' find a difference '.

We have a number of simple addition and subtraction worksheets in our calculators section of our resources year 1. One of my favorites is the dice: 3 in a row – game that a simple two-player game where add the totals when two dice. A mix of strategy and luck will help win this game.

Go to our year 1 addition and subtraction worksheets