We all know that smaller classes, uniforms and primary homework ways of stimulating schools performance. Or are they? Not according to a recent report from the Sutton Trust. In fact, include reduction of classes, homework during elementary school, and the introduction of school uniforms to the least effective ways to improve school results.
Look at class sizes they found that the benefits, "are not particularly large or clear, until class size is reduced to under 20 or even under 15".
Another myth seems to be that more classroom assistants rental is effective. This is contrary to what most teachers think like 44% said that hiring more assistants one of their three top priorities. The report says that hiring more assistants associated with being "very little or no impact on the achievement".
Significant gains in achievement meanwhile come from proven classroom approaches-efficient feedback on student performance, to think about their own strategies for students to encourage learning, and getting students to learn from each other. Properly implemented, these approaches students performance by an additional eight or nine months in a year of school for a very low cost, according to the Guide.
Key findings include:
On effective feedback-"even a study estimates that the consequences of the rapid feedback on learning is 124 times more cost effective that reducing class sizes."
On peer tutoring – "benefits are obvious for both tutor and tutee, although the approach should be used for filling or normal education improve, rather than replaced."
On meta cognitive approaches – "Studies report significant gains equal to a class of 50th place in a ranking of 100 schools to around 25."
On homework-is "worth more on the high school level and much less effective for children in the primary school age."
On assistants-"most studies have consistently found very little or no impact on the achievement."
On school uniforms-will "no robust evidence that the introduction of a school uniform improve academic performance."
On the reduction of class sizes-"on the whole, the benefits are not particularly large or clear, until class size reduced to under 20 or even among 15."
On one-to-one tuition – "pupils can improve by about 4 or 5 months during the program, but costs are high, because the support intensive."
About ability grouping "there may be some benefits to higher achieving students, but these are largely offset by the negative effects on attitudes of Middle and lower performing students."
The full report can be found at:
The Sutton Trust